Also, unlike most Sanses, he is not god mod thingy. Yes he may be immortal but can be easily killed if you destroy his original bad time eye which is in his core (but obviously it will be difficult to find.) and just like in HorrorTale he has no Blue soul shenanigans nor blasters, though all his other attacks are strengthened (by like 10x.) and apparantly Horror Sans on his own can explode peoples heads with bone magic so Terror can do that aswell, just with enough strength and stuff.

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Description: Asgore and a few monsters dead. Core shuts down, everyone starts starving. Toriel tries to become queen but is thrown away by Undyne who now rules the underground. Alphys tells Undyne that Sanses eye can help them with the core. Sans dont like idea so he get angry but gets shot in the head by spear and eye go bye bye into the core. Sans steal someone elses eye and Aliza comes around and yadayadayadayadaaaepokgojhinjhretnjiotjmnrtlmn
CREATOR ID: | 57dac4 |
VIEWS: | 53 |
AGE: | 1 year old |
BASED ON: | Terror Chapter 2? |