My life was bound to spiral into more and more negativity... I'm a fucking curse to myself, that can latch onto others..... Cause I always end up getting into area's that I never wanted without even trying... Even when it came to just trying to make people happy it was always going to go wrong somehow... To everyone, I'm irredeemable... "Terrie The Trustworthy Truth Teller"... That was always a stupid title and that only really came to be before ID's cause whenever somebody faked somebody else or pretended to be someone else I always knew who exactly they were... The trust wasn't really there as even I can't trust myself!... Haha... Cause even if I did nothing I just end up doing SOMETHING wrong.....

My life was bound to spiral into more and more negativity... I'm a fucking curse to myself, that can latch onto others..... Cause I always end up getting into area's that I never wanted without even trying... Even when it came to just trying to make people happy it was always going to go wrong somehow... To everyone, I'm irredeemable... "Terrie The Trustworthy Truth Teller"... That was always a stupid title and that only really came to be before ID's cause whenever somebody faked somebody else or pretended to be someone else I always knew who exactly they were... The trust wasn't really there as even I can't trust myself!... Haha... Cause even if I did nothing I just end up doing SOMETHING wrong.....

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Description: -Terrie

CREATOR ID: 583245
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: Just I fucking completely quit. I'm fucking done. I'm out. Last post cause I'm going to sleep to not listen to you fucking cry cause I honestly don't care if you are with their side and not mine...

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