ROTMG(Rotf) My First Pixel Edit

ROTMG(Rotf) My First Pixel Edit

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Description: Realm Quest Boss: Akuma Kunshi Hp: 20,000(1,000 per player(5%HP) Def:300 XP: 40,000, but if a player, is less than at 15, he or she earns 10% of the hp(4,000HP), regardless if a player is at level 1. Immunes to: Stasis Paralysis Slow Speacial weakness: Demon Weakness: This kind of weakness is essential to heroes that happens to equip a t13 and t14 armor and t13 weapon, UT special weapons, armor and rings, and a full soulbound set of equipments. it gives a total damage to increase over 80 percent Akuma Kinshi is translated in Japanese,悪魔の君主, meaning demon lord. Info. The Kuma Kunshi is a realm quest boss located at rotf. Rumor Infro. Under the layers of hell, where souls are harvested everyday by mourned civilians, dying strong beasts, and former living warriors, the demon lord, Akuma Kunshi, is said to be the most powerful demon in all of the places of hell. It is said to even come close to Oryx's power when at normal potential, but rapidly increases attacks if one tries to uprise his power. The lord is now rise from his homeland. He has been on this land, never thought to know what lies beneath new areas, but so does so Akuma Kunshi realize he would claim his territory, even though he has no army. He can claim his army by forcing living beings and sentinels to become his servants, and brainwash them to forget everything but bringing terror and demise all guests that comes thier way. Somehow, someway, Akuma Kunshi has a powerful void essence from his back, to all around his legs and up to his head that he had achieved void magic from his aquaintance, the Void Entity. Aesthetics from left to right: Void Doueblearrow, 1000 damage, peirces through armor, ignores defense, causes stunning for 0.8 seconds, and darkness for 3 seconds. If a hero has an armor about 12, it decreases damage by 10% every 5 def up to 60DEF. But it doesnt change the effects from upon being hit by one. Demon Whirlpool: 200 damage, stuns a player for one second at stage 3, and the projectile appears at first when he sees a nearest player at 40 tiles. Demon bullet: 50 damage, bleeds a player for ten seconds, fast projectile speed, and imposible for a 40 spd hero to go pass them Demon Lazer Beam: Damage: 350, pierces armor, blinds a player in 2 seconds(this affects creates the screen blurry) Dark Y- pulse: Damage: 2, makes the person paralyzed, has a misadvntage for players that comes too close to Akuma Kunshi when he is paralyzed or at stasis Ancient Orb: Damage: 200 A giant projectile, goes in a tightly long spiral direction from left at first and second at right. Demon Spear. damage, 100, ignores defense, breaks armor, and slows players for all 3 seconds. Demon Boomerang: small projectile. damage : 95 . This goes in a ricochet direction and comes back to the boss himself. it weakens a hero for half a second. left to right of Akuma Kinshi 1. stance 2. Attack move 3. walk move 1 4. walk move 2 Drops: Fragmented Hosekite Info: This form of gemstone, combined with the mineral, nornstone, is thought to upgrade a weapon with a lower tier into another tier. This stone is uncommonly found from the depths of hell, but few come out hoping to snatch that stone. It is common to found elsewhere in some asteroids and diamond planets. note: every two frags increase a weapon by 3 tiers but its drops are uncommon. if stacked up to 5, it forms a raw Hosekite. Raw Hosekite Info: This form of gemstone, combined with the mineral, nornstone, is thought to be a versatile material. This large stone is uncommonly found from the depths of hell, but few come out hoping to snatch that stone. It is common to found elsewhere in giant planets. Info: This type of material, in a a larger form, is very versatile stone in multiple use, such as upgrading a weapon(upgrades every 5 tiers), armor(upgrades an armor every 5 tiers), ring( increase a tier, plus adding the ring's stats) binds the number of stats to your equipment's normal average stats, defects immunity from being damaged (but only certain effects, such as quiet, weak, broken armor, darkness, and paralysis), adds the magic material to your weapon(for instance if you have a galactic stone to your weapon at any tier, such as the staff of vital unity, it would become a galactic staff of vital unity, and in addition becomes quirky.), and, if you have a backpack, stores eternal space for an arranged number of pots, old coins, nornstones, etc. But it has certain limits whastsoever. you can upgrade a weapon's stats up to 25 times( increases a weapon's stats by five) you can upgrade an armor's stats up to 45 times(increases armor's stats by 7) you can upgrade a ring's stats up to 70 times(increases ring's stats by two.) you can upgrade your special power up item up to 10(stats increase by 2) Drops from left to right: Shield of Dark Indulgance Def: 50 Hp: 350 Attk: +40 Dex: +20 MP cost: 100 Fame Bonus: 10% Info: This sheild is created long ago by Archdemons in another galaxy. It has an ability to paralyze any enemy at will. ignores an enemy's immunity immunes to upgrade by Hosekite Dark Demon Hide Armor This hide amor has been wielded by a powerful spirit of a dark demon. its bare color gots its resemblance. def: 40 dex: 30 HP:240 Fame:10% Immunes to effects from projectiles Immunes of being upgraded by Hosekites Armourguard of demonic aura Info: Ancient times, this armor was used to carry out Akuma's former minions that were able to defend even the most powerful and the most impenetrable opponents of all time. Def:85 Dex:19 Attk:30 Fame: 10% Immunes to effects from projectiles Immunes of being upgraded by Hosekite Robe of Demonic Osmium This robe was used to forge a demonite and osmium fabric, and perhaps it can't be broken at all. Neat! Def: 40 Attk:20 Dex:12 Wis:40 HP:3,000 Fame Bonus: 10% Immunes to all effects from beinghit by projectiles Immunes to being upgraded by Hosekites Zugaikotsu of Legend(Translated in Japanese meaning 'cranium' ) The wrath of this helmet has been adorned with a levitating obsidian ingot, and clear ambered adamantite. One things for sure is that it is unwielded for almost all encounters. Effects: Speedy to all, Berserk to all, Advacned HP by 30% to all around 10 tiles in radius. mp cost: 100 Def: 20 Fame Bonus: 10% Immunes to all effects from projetiles Immunes to being upgraded by Hosekittes Staff of Demonic Salvage This staff has long lasted, and it appears the eye of the fallen demon lord had fuse between the indestructible purple rod Dam: 120-230 Dex:12 Rate of Fire: 110% range: projectiles reach up to 15 tiles, very fast aesthetics immunes of being upgraded, and effects of projectiles upon being hit Fame:10% Sword of the Vindictive Resilience Found by the galactic demoncrushers themselves, it is made from countless spirits of the blue gem demon race. Damage: 300-330 shots: 4 range:6 Fame:10% Immunes of being hit by projectiless with effects, and immunes to being upgraded by Hosekites. Bow of Resuming War The bow seems to be worned with age, but as it gets older, it shines brighter with eminated power. damage: 200-280 Range:8 shots:3 Rate of attack:110% Fame:10% Spell of demon language The demons that inscribed in this old papered graphite seems to be clear in all of these ages. Does it still hold the power of the demon lord himself? Damage: 200-235 Shots: 30(6,000+) Range:20 Effects: Pierces through armor Note: all projectiles can take multiple damage and retrieves back to the original aiming point. Immunes to effects from projectiles and from being upgraded by Hosekites Wand of the Demon Solstice The wand wasn't used for war, it was used to revive countless times of the extinct demon race, but failed obviously. Damage:300-360 Range:12 Attack speed: 120% Fame:10% Immunes of being upgraded and immunes of attacked by projectiles with effects. Tiles: Left to Right: Beige Tile: Insdide of the Green Tile Pink Tile: inside of the Biege Tile Magenta/Neutral Grey Tile: Can be in the center where Akuma Kunshi stands. Large tile(Demonic water) Ignores all immunities to being hit by projectile's effects for 3 seconds. breaks armor and quiets the hero for 2 seconds. Landscape decors: LEFT TO RIGHT: Dead Sakura Demon Sakura Oak Grey Demon Sakura Oak Demon Sakura Oak 2 After killing he Akuma Kunshi, The HP for all of these trees are ten million, and every 100k damage dealt taken for any player, there's a chance to drop a t10, 11, 12, 13 armor, t6 spell, Nornstone, and the Mysterious old coin. There are more chances of dropping the blue bag full of seeds that which contains a life essence to grow these trees. Damaging a dead Sakura will give you nothing for players under 5k fame, but gives you a nornstone. damaging a pink Demonic Sakura Oak will give you a few high leveled tiered equpments, and old coins. Damaging a Grey Demonic Sakura Oak will give you noting under 3k fame, but givesd you old coins and a chance to get a lottery ticket. The Demon Grey Sakura Oak will alos give you a blue glasstone. Info: The blue glasstone is nothing found elsewhere but here.. In the far depths of hell. Maybe scientist had found out there can be more glasstones out in other planets. Strange material .... The maroon material right there is a "Luck Healer" that heals you and others at full hp , restores all effects in players in 20 tile radience and cools down for 10 seconds. It never runs out. Every 100 glasstone gives you a Lucky Healer. Info. So this is where the rarest remedy comes from...

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
AGE: 5 years old

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