Its... all of you guys... Its not just the people... its not just the art... but... pam its self... You guys are like family to me... I care about everybody on here, this place... Its where I feel good... where I feel free... cared for... loved... Its where I feel like I have people that actually care about each other... and that feels... good... knowing that somewhere... some place... people can live with themselves... so thats why I love pam so much... Its more than just a roleplaying or art site, its more than just a community... Its a family... the pamily that I hold so dearly and closely to me... Thank you all for your time... I love you all... and have a wonderful day... goodbye. -Ben

Its... all of you guys... Its not just the people... its not just the art... but... pam its self... You guys are like family to me... I care about everybody on here, this place... Its where I feel good... where I feel free... cared for... loved... Its where I feel like I have people that actually care about each other... and that feels... good... knowing that somewhere... some place... people can live with themselves... so thats why I love pam so much... Its more than just a roleplaying or art site, its more than just a community... Its a family... the pamily that I hold so dearly and closely to me... Thank you all for your time... I love you all... and have a wonderful day... goodbye. -Ben

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CREATOR ID: 741690
AGE: 3 years old

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator