((I didnt expect any of you to join my rps...I really dont fcare if you dont want to because I never force people to join...so if you guys are looking for a rp, fucking start one...its easier to get people to join an rp you guys want to do...)) Doesnt Kat have Instagram? -John

((I didnt expect any of you to join my rps...I really dont fcare if you dont want to because I never force people to join...so if you guys are looking for a rp, fucking start one...its easier to get people to join an rp you guys want to do...)) Doesnt Kat have Instagram? -John

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Description: Name: John | Purpose: Frick it Idc anymore... | Height: 6 8 | Gender: Take a frickin guess... | Occupation: None

CREATOR ID: 843b57
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Woops...wanna go see what the fakin neighbors are up to? -John

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