skeld, that image makes me feel like *senpai turning into thorns spirit noise*

skeld, that image makes me feel like *senpai turning into thorns spirit noise*

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Description: 6 Elements: (Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Light and Dark) Fire Relic: Amber Pendant (Idea by Hermann) Water Relic: Aquamarine Amulet (Idea by Plant) Earth Relic: Air Relic: Diamond Circlet Light Relic: Dark Relic: PAM Mythical Creature: [No-Name] A creature that only appears to man-kind during a blood moon. They have sharp claws and teeth. any noise you make, they will here you. It is said that i you capture one, they become your servant. They are very fast and can jump very high. They have thick skin that can deflect most attacks. Its best you leave the forest/not go in the forest when a blood moon is active.

CREATOR ID: 3f84df
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: 26 days till bday for me.

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