A small, hypothetical scenario.

A small, hypothetical scenario.

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Description: so, say that you're a serial killer, and one with a reputation. you've gained a total of 9 victims, with their missing posters strewn across your small, suburban town. recently, you have kidnapped and taken in a new, fresh meat bag, ripe for the slaughter. you've been torturing them for the last few hours, relishing with each painful scream they erupt. now, you are faced with a question. you have a number of different torture methods, all slow and agonizing. first of all, you have the slow yet satisfying method of forcefully cramming pig intestines down their throat, and waiting until they pop like a red, gooey balloon. second, you have the more well known stretcher. watching their limbs slowly disconnect, contort, and tear on the device would be a sight to see... but a bit cliche. last of all, you have Body Inversion. it would be incredibly messy, and your victim may be dead within the first few minutes of the process, but it's made up for with the fun of sticking your hand inside a persons lung, and pulling the inside out. so, out of the three, what do you choose?

CREATOR ID: 5fb2ca
AGE: 2 years old

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