If you want Sadistic, If anyone breaks into my house, I'm breaking both of their arms and legs. Killing them is too easy. I'll leave them crippled and imprisoned for the rest of their days. How would I do this? Easy, Shove them over and throw all 200 pounds of my body weight onto their limbs, with a satisfying crack, I've ruined their life. Also works in the case of a school shooter.

If you want Sadistic, If anyone breaks into my house, I'm breaking both of their arms and legs. Killing them is too easy. I'll leave them crippled and imprisoned for the rest of their days. How would I do this? Easy, Shove them over and throw all 200 pounds of my body weight onto their limbs, with a satisfying crack, I've ruined their life. Also works in the case of a school shooter.

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Description: -T

CREATOR ID: 990543
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: I gtg too. And by Gtg, I mean Imma go play BoTW. So Cya.

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