Sistertale Art #1 by aliyah

Sistertale Art #1 by aliyah

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Description: This a mode l will soon make just wait it will come soon!ella is a 17 year old girl and her sister alla is a younger girl she is 10.ella is a kind of crazy girl but she is goofy,fun to be around,mean when you take back to her OR alla if u don't bully them you will surley be frineds with them if you do ella will well lets say you will go missing:). ella well she doesint trust people who are unknow people or unseen people.But alla will be friends with any one.One day ella and alla were walking with there parents then alla triped in a hole and was about to fall so ella quickly reacted and tried to lift her up her parents saw and tried to help but then only ella fell because she grabed allas arm and threw her up and then tried to get up too but she then fell screaming for dear life.A few mothes later passed by and Alla climed on the same hill ella fell and fell on prupose tears flooting and face down she fell on flowers with her sister on the side asleep she then woke up and started crying and hugged alla so then ella along with alla found a knife alla was to scared to pick it up so ella did and so the hell began.....UNTILL NEXT TIME FIND MY ART 2 IT WILL HAVE MOREEEE!!!

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
AGE: 6 years old

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator