I LOVE THE UNDYNE THE UNDYING FIGHT ON PS4!! Idk why its so fun... I cant beat on PS4, but on computer he's pretty easy... The things that are not easy are some of the fan made games... *Looks at Last breath, Toxic Sans fight, Ink sans fight- and so on* o-o *Gets nightmares about them* I will never, be good enough-

I LOVE THE UNDYNE THE UNDYING FIGHT ON PS4!! Idk why its so fun... I cant beat on PS4, but on computer he's pretty easy... The things that are not easy are some of the fan made games... *Looks at Last breath, Toxic Sans fight, Ink sans fight- and so on*  o-o *Gets nightmares about them* I will never, be good enough-

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Description: (Made by c9142, KC means Kawai-Cat)

CREATOR ID: c91422
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: (Save- KC Updated)

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