PKMN TRAINER Royal Scientist!ODST (Description update)

PKMN TRAINER Royal Scientist!ODST (Description update)

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Description: Pokemon: Lazer: Hp: 50 Atk: 20 Def: 10 Spd: 30 Sp.Atk: 40 Sp.Def: 20 Moves: Charge(Plus 20 Atk but decreases Spd) Precise Shot (Will make an unmissable shot but at the cost of Half the normal dmg) Shoot (Normal attack) Soul Controller: Hp: 100 Atk: 60 Def: 40 Spd: 10 Sp.Atk: 120 Sp.Def: 80 Moves: Soul Control(If the other trainer has a soul of any sort on the battle field You get to take control of that soul for the rest of the battle, it also allows any moves the soul had before control to be used,Cannot be used against You) Soul Shot(A Shot of pure monster soul energy=20 dmg)

CREATOR ID: 2fcb16
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: PKMN TRAINER Royal Scientist!ODST wants to battle! (couldnt add the slash because these type of sprites only have 2 colors + b&w)

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