*tps to addam back where i was and shoot at evan very fast and then tps away and the the bullet becomes a bomb a nuke and then a super nuke so quick that it hit evans body and then BOOm and evans hand and legs are turning to dust and the nobody get hurt exect evan** -wolf god

*tps to addam back where i was and shoot at evan very fast and then tps away and the the bullet becomes a bomb a nuke and then a super nuke so quick that it hit evans body and then  BOOm and evans hand and legs are turning to dust and the nobody get hurt exect evan** -wolf god

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Description: my character from among us (and name) (credit: a secret person that I do not know)

CREATOR ID: ec80de
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: sorry for the wait guys what did i miss-wolf god

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator