Sorry, just, Tom's a good friend of mine, I was just trying to stand up for his point, but, you both are in the wrong in this situation, so, my beef with you is minimal now. - Reverse Erick from 2019 but Drone Revived Him lol

Sorry, just, Tom's a good friend of mine, I was just trying to stand up for his point, but, you both are in the wrong in this situation, so, my beef with you is minimal now. - Reverse Erick from 2019 but Drone Revived Him lol

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Description: Thanks to Drone/Tom For making this Beauty! :D | 20 Atk - ∞ Def - ∞ | He is the God of all Reverse Demons, Demons created to kill and replace who there the reverse of!

CREATOR ID: 6bf841
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: I know what getting neutered is, I wish I didn't, though -Reverse Erick from 2019 but Drone Revived Him lol

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