Ah the sounds of a 7 year old that's never had an original thought in their life. Really... if you're trying to be hurtful... you're just making yourself look immature instead. And I stand by what I said, if you wanna do Undertale, fine. Do it either true to the character, or be creative. Not this "Dustdust sans uber 2.0" shit or whatever the fuck this sprite is... you're just making a mockery of a decent game.

Ah the sounds of a 7 year old that's never had an original thought in their life. Really... if you're trying to be hurtful... you're just making yourself look immature instead. And I stand by what I said, if you wanna do Undertale, fine. Do it either true to the character, or be creative. Not this "Dustdust sans uber 2.0" shit or whatever the fuck this sprite is... you're just making a mockery of a decent game.

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CREATOR ID: 990543
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: waaa wwaaa im mad because people can do what ever hear this buddy go fuck your self or leave this site dumbass if

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