Aye, don`t feel bad... I myself can`t draw for shit yet I can at the very, least help teach someone the "art" of shading a sprite... Over-detail and with the same colours... So really... If you need MY help... Just ask... I don`t bite...

Aye, don`t feel bad... I myself can`t draw for shit yet I can at the very, least help teach someone the "art" of shading a sprite... Over-detail and with the same colours... So really... If you need MY help... Just ask... I don`t bite...

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Description: ... | It's Justin, the "man", behind Terrie... Anger: 15% - Sanity: 95% | Yes, yes I know it's a different sprite, and it's from this character: CS!Core!Frisk | So there, credit to the OG, drawer... | Theme of insanity: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zfqt_E2LVPg

CREATOR ID: 95be89
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: "Fully reworked and highly detailed version of my human sprite... -Terrie

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator