well by looking a little chris has been busy with school for like the past month! like just leave him alone i really dont care if your friend or not! good friends dont just hog around the same people forever! you gotta meet new faces give others a try to be nice and kind. and really chris appears to have more on his mind and pam being the mental parasite it is wont let him! and all of you wanting to ONLY play with chris makes it worse.

well by looking a little chris has been busy with school for like the past month! like just leave him alone i really dont care if your friend or not! good friends dont just hog around the same people forever! you gotta meet new faces give others a try to be nice and kind. and really chris appears to have more on his mind and pam being the mental parasite it is wont let him! and all of you wanting to ONLY play with chris makes it worse.

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Description: -stellar

CREATOR ID: 95be89
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: thats when

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