Anyways, inspired by SCP-001 I made a horror prompt. It's in the DESC if you wanna read it.

Anyways, inspired by SCP-001 I made a horror prompt. It's in the DESC if you wanna read it.

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Description: Warning. This is an emergency broadcast. Please pay attention and follow every rule in this alert. Failure to do so will result in your death. In an undefined amount of time in the following 24 hours, all lights, Natural and Artificial will shut completely off. Do not panic. Panic will make you an easy target. Children may have a hard time complying with these orders. Let them die. Do not sacrifice yourself for your child. When the lights go out. Do not move. Do not breathe. Close your eyes immediately and stay entirely still. Movement makes you an easy target. If it gets close to you, you will feel cold. Tears will stream out of your eyes. Do not move, do not breathe. If you hear screaming, don’t react. They didn’t follow instructions. Do not react if you hear your family dying. They did not follow instructions. The lights will flicker back on for a second. Do not open your eyes. It is not over. The lights will go back out, and anyone who moved will die. Do not move. Do not breathe. When it’s all over, you’ll see symbols in your vision if you survived. If any of these white symbols are red, kill yourself as quickly as possible. If you do not, you will regret it. Try and find survivors. If there are none, kill yourself. Do not move. Do not breathe. Do not move. Do not breathe. Do not move. Do not breathe. This message will loop.

CREATOR ID: 990543
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: I gtg too. And by Gtg, I mean Imma go play BoTW. So Cya.

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