Look we dont have much time. I cant keep you here for long. Avoid going to the actual void as much as possible. There is a being there that is more than happy to take control of you and murder everything in its path. [Fade]

Look we dont have much time. I cant keep you here for long. Avoid going to the actual void as much as possible. There is a being there that is more than happy to take control of you and murder everything in its path. [Fade]

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Description: th_E\me:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lG_OSmWXnA4 lo_0re\: With each p_La_N, i would become your end result. I am no longer Dusk. I am no longer Fade. You did this to me. Our plan turned out the best for you. The w_Orst_ for m_e.

CREATOR ID: 0eb831
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Fade (save)

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