back to being quiet due to a reason that ive talked about in my vent channel that nobody gave enough of a damn to keep somewhere. oh well.

back to being quiet due to a reason that ive talked about in my vent channel that nobody gave enough of a damn to keep somewhere. oh well.

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Description: Finx- Lv: 75 | HP: 70,000 | ATK.P: 2,000 | DEF.P: 32,080 | ATK.M: 230,000 | DEF.M: 1,000,000 [Max] | Cuteness: 95%. A Magical Fox that uses arcane magic, meaning they can create unique spells instead of working with the same spells all the time. Their special ability is to be able to copy moves, throught their adventures, that ability has been upgraded by copying the copy ability of others with a simular ability. They own a small notebook where they keep track of all their copied skills, so they dont forget any. Their kind and generous personality makes it hard for them to truely harm anyone serverely, unless they have done something horendus, or have hurt other people greatly, will Finx then use the most of their powers. With them being tied to Xfin; a (Previously evil) spirit that copied the appearance of Finx, and sticks close to them. having grown close to each other that they could be considered brothers. This along with Xfins own abilities to support Finx, makes Finx themself a formidible opponent. Themes (WIP)- Passive: Battle: Serious Battle: [Sweet Daydreams]-

CREATOR ID: 0f2d9d
AGE: 2 years old

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