-Ahem- PAM, Pixel art maker, is a free online pixel art drawing site that anyone can use, the site has existed for at least seven to eight years now, with clear hints to existing for eleven years... Due to being a free site that anyone can use, it`s original point was just to make pixel art, not chat... The site has zero rules, you wanna make porn? Then make porn... You want to make stuff for a RPG? Then do it... This site has no rules to it..... Or well, it DIDN`T, till we showed up...

-Ahem- PAM, Pixel art maker, is a free online pixel art drawing site that anyone can use, the site has existed for at least seven to eight years now, with clear hints to existing for eleven years... Due to being a free site that anyone can use, it`s original point was just to make pixel art, not chat... The site has zero rules, you wanna make porn? Then make porn... You want to make stuff for a RPG? Then do it... This site has no rules to it..... Or well, it DIDN`T, till we showed up...

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Description: -Terrie

CREATOR ID: 63ceb7
AGE: 3 years old

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator