Im not old enough to get a job lol, do you expect everyone here to just be old enough to have a job? and i really dont have hobbies because im getting bored of making pixel art and really this is only thing to do while i wait for stuff, very shitty trolling very sad.

Im not old enough to get a job lol, do you expect everyone here to just be old enough to have a job? and i really dont have hobbies because im getting bored of making pixel art and really this is only thing to do while i wait for stuff, very shitty trolling very sad.

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CREATOR ID: dfb43a
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: dude the fact that you've been doing this for four days just furthers my pity for you. what is the outcome you want? get a job, pick up a hobby. do something with your life that isn't your shitty version of trolling. just sad lol

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