okie everyone so dis is mah irl cat named George! (read description for more info)-oreo

okie everyone so dis is mah irl cat named George! (read description for more info)-oreo

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Description: he is a orange tabby mixed with a white cat. his eyes are yellowish green. he has bootiful white markings. he tore his ear from a accident outside one day ): . he has a spiked collar. he likes hunting for us and going outside to be a dirt potato (: . he is a rescue. mom one day found him roaming the streets and took him to the vet to get fixed. while mom picked me up from elementary school she surprised me with him and that's when i name my orange baby George. (i was like 7 or 8 at this time) i begged mom to keep him and she replied with an"i don't know" and she kept him at the vet for a while then came back home with George in the carrier and said we can keep him! i was super happy to know that i was keeping a cat im my house! and he was happy in his home ever science.and he still is . thank you for reading this! i got a lil bored.

CREATOR ID: d47ea8
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: *Enter his text here and set it to Wiseguy for his voice. https://www.voiceforge.com/demo# * Hello old sports it is I Dave Miller.

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