And i think it's better i don't explain why i hate Terrie so much and it's best you don't ask Terrie either since he will obviously lie to suit him better but then again both of us will lie to suit us better so technically just don't ask us why.

And i think it's better i don't explain why i hate Terrie so much and it's best you don't ask Terrie either since he will obviously lie to suit him better but then again both of us will lie to suit us better so technically just don't ask us why.

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CREATOR ID: 9bd9ef
VIEWS: 115
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: the thing that makes me hate this the most is that it looks just like a girl and has blue eyes which gives me vietnam flashbacks to Ro's sans which i kept saying looked like a girl and he had blue eyes, this is the only character with some kind of shading AND THIS IS ACTUALLY AN ORIGINAL SANS BECAUSE WHEN SEARCHING THIS UP I FOUND NO TRACE OF ANY SANS CALLED DASH SANS (Well except for finding alot of art involving dash and sans)

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