I... there was a person... it was a sans recolor, cause we don't get enough of THEM around here, but... We got into a fight, and... the things I said... the pure hatred... I said some... fucked up things, and made some people very... I... I hurt a lot of people... Including myself... I... I'm so sorry... -Reverse Erick

I... there was a person... it was a sans recolor, cause we don't get enough of THEM around here, but... We got into a fight, and... the things I said... the pure hatred... I said some... fucked up things, and made some people very... I... I hurt a lot of people... Including myself... I... I'm so sorry... -Reverse Erick

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Description: Thanks to Drone/Tom For making this Beauty! :D | 20 Atk - ∞ Def - ∞ | He is the God of all Reverse Demons, Demons created to kill and replace who there the reverse of!

CREATOR ID: 6bf841
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Okay, this has gone way too far, I fucking lost it... I feel bad for the kid now... I think he gets the point... -Reverse Erick

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