James (Roblox gamer/Roblox player)

James (Roblox gamer/Roblox player)

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Description: Credit to whoever made this,incase, you don't know,this is a new au where... you killed james friends...Soulgamer86,linter,and more.you go to the old church of roblox to check off more of them. Their are more of them, but... Someone is blocking your way. Its James. He is sad, and is filled with hatred against you. Well, actually, he tries to send you a friend request before that, but whatever. He will save the last remains of his friends, and they will finally be able to rest.. In pieces. .. You are gonnna have a OOF TIME

CREATOR ID: c01880
VIEWS: 206
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Jason (Roblox noob/Roblox dummy, or the X-Dummy).

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