Not Done Yet... Lunala The Pokemon Guardian!

Not Done Yet... Lunala The Pokemon Guardian!

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Description: Lunala is brothers with the other Pokemon Guardian named Solgaleo though Lunala's REAL name is Life Rise! They were created by Arceus himself! Though they are more than billions of years ago! That is pretty darn old though... Solgaleo's life ended... Sadly... He tried to make it so nobody enters Lavender Town because... Lavender Town was a place where the souls of Pokemons go to rest... Legend says that Lavender Town kept the souls of Pokemons so one day they return back to life and that legend is true though whoever entered it the souls have to wait longer for them to return... Solgaleo died because he wasted all of his powers to let the souls rest... He gave up his life to save their lives... Lunala will try anything to bring Solgaleo back to life though... she hasn't yet... (This pixel art isn't done yet)

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 220
AGE: 7 years old

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator