Killer!Code V3

Killer!Code V3

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Description: My OC for KillerShift V3. Name: Code Real Name: Ein Vladir Nickname: Killcode(also the name of a rock band) Abilities: Killing every single version of his sister, Void,(Which is pretty hard to do.) Except for StorySwap Void, who is actually his ex somehow XD. When it comes to StorySwap Code tho, he'll kill him with no regret. Themes: Another way out, heathens, Behind Blue Eyes. Bio: He's a relentless killer, won't hesitate to kill his own sister, and every other version of her except for Swap. And will almost never hesitate to kill someone. He usually comes to said person when they're sad and depressed in order to make them feel worse before he ends them. Other times he will fight the people who challenge him. He has a secret emotional side and has two voices in his head. Voice#1, Tells him what to NOT do. Voice#2, tells him to do what Voice#1 tells him to NOT do. AKA Killing. Since Swap!Void has lung failures, he's living with her right now. Still technically her ex but loves her still. He's one of the only people who can heal her when she has the lung failures. Best Friends: Nightmare, Red(Fell!Code), Xode(Cross!Code), Dust!Code(Dustode), Horror!Code(Who lives in Code's body)... A N D J̷̃̐̎̓͒̉̎̌̄̾͐͝͝͠ ơ̴̧̹̬̣̱̜̙̻̰̩̬̹̎́̒̊̑͆̒̈́͂́̓̃͘ è̶̡̤̳͆͑̌̉̈̑̍̾͑͆̍̔ . . .

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 133
AGE: 5 years old

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