To everyone that does not believe me, I have no evidence to prove to you all that I did create this website. I apologise on my behalf for that, so please take my word for it. I'm unable to add developer messages due to me no longer being a developer for the site. I know you may not believe me, and I will not judge you for that. I am now just like everyone else here. A few of you have said that the creator wouldn't talk to you like the way I speak, but this is simply an attempt to be polite and professional. Additionally, I do not see why I shouldn't be able to talk to you all like this, you are all people and you deserve to be treated with respect. I may not meet your expectations from this first impression, so I apologise about that and other mistakes that might come in the future. - Signed, Creator

To everyone that does not believe me, I have no evidence to prove to you all that I did create this website. I apologise on my behalf for that, so please take my word for it. I'm unable to add developer messages due to me no longer being a developer for the site. I know you may not believe me, and I will not judge you for that. I am now just like everyone else here. A few of you have said that the creator wouldn't talk to you like the way I speak, but this is simply an attempt to be polite and professional. Additionally, I do not see why I shouldn't be able to talk to you all like this, you are all people and you deserve to be treated with respect. I may not meet your expectations from this first impression, so I apologise about that and other mistakes that might come in the future. - Signed, Creator

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CREATOR ID: 280fc3
VIEWS: 177
AGE: 2 years old

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator