MultiMultiVerse: Multi went through all the science stuff once more, but this time, he wasnt crying or anything like that, he was laughing, indicating he was going insane, the scientists had to flee, when he stepped out the lab, he had an unstoppable urge to make everyone he sees go through the same thing he did, his first target was Terror because he remembered a time when Terror said "i would do anything to get my emotions back" and- yeah i think you get the gist

MultiMultiVerse: Multi went through all  the science stuff once more, but this time, he wasnt crying or anything like that, he was laughing, indicating he was going insane, the scientists had to flee, when he stepped out the lab, he had an unstoppable urge to make everyone he sees go through the same thing he did, his first target was Terror  because he remembered a time when Terror said "i would do anything to get my emotions back" and- yeah i think you get the gist

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CREATOR ID: e8cb42
AGE: 2 years old
BASED ON: TerrorMulti/MultipliedVerse Terror

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator