Closed off? *He shifted his position so his feet were also dangling over the edge of the cliff, and looked out over the view.* He's never been actively closed off before. He may not be a people person, sure, but... I suppose he was in a position where he was ready to die to be with Boarder, but when he couldn't have that... he must be protecting himself. Having lost the one person he felt any real love for so many times... I would guess he doesn't want to go through that kind of heartbreak again.

Closed off? *He shifted his position so his feet were also dangling over the edge of the cliff, and looked out over the view.* He's never been actively closed off before. He may not be a people person, sure, but... I suppose he was in a position where he was ready to die to be with Boarder, but when he couldn't have that... he must be protecting himself. Having lost the one person he felt any real love for so many times... I would guess he doesn't want to go through that kind of heartbreak again.

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Description: | Name: Vesin Deadman | Age: 15 | Species: Human | LV: 25 | HP: 75/150 | ATK: 250 | DEF: 14 | A previous enemy of PAM, looking for reform. Murdered long ago, attached himself to Chris's mind, brought back to the realm of the living by Shadow's MERCY gas. | Pansexual | Ambient Theme: TBD | Battle Theme: TBD \\Lovely base sprite made by the equally lovely Derp! Thanks to Lust for the souls!\\

CREATOR ID: 90896a
AGE: 4 years old

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