Herr [0eb83], I believe the reason why they are complaining is the fact that a slight edit is all that your sprite is. They are complaining about the little "effort" you put forth into making sprites. While they spend a large portion of their time creating well-made, well-thought-out sprites, you just take an already-made sprite (usually their work), make a slight edit, and then claim it is yours. I, am, of course, speaking from their perspective, not mine, as I would be a massive hypocrite if I criticized you for that.

Herr [0eb83], I believe the reason why they are complaining is the fact that a slight edit is all that your sprite is. They are complaining about the little "effort" you put forth into making sprites. While they spend a large portion of their time creating well-made, well-thought-out sprites, you just take an already-made sprite (usually their work), make a slight edit, and then claim it is yours. I, am, of course, speaking from their perspective, not mine, as I would be a massive hypocrite if I criticized you for that.

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Description: Full Name: Hermann Hans Otto Georg-Wilhelm Müller von Magdeburg und Hanover | FANDOM Account: https://pixelartmaker.fandom.com/wiki/User:MrTroublemeyer

CREATOR ID: 66d5db
AGE: 3 years old

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