i get how you feel right now, and i know you always want to be kind to people even when they do bad things, but you gotta have that breaking point, that "point of no return", that point when you can be kind to them. some people are just that bad that you have to give up on being kind to them. i know it hurts, i know its sad, but some people... . -Ez

i get how you feel right now, and i know you always want to be kind to people even when they do bad things, but you gotta have that breaking point, that "point of no return", that point when you can be kind to them. some people are just that bad that you have to give up on being kind to them. i know it hurts, i know its sad, but some people... . -Ez

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CREATOR ID: 258281
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: no, not really. -Ez

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