*jokes on you i dont have a dad!...hah....hah.....-rainbowfox2011

*jokes on you i dont have a dad!...hah....hah.....-rainbowfox2011

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Description: Some random kid was born on 26 December 2011, the day after Christmas and the 20th anniversary of the dissolution of the Sowjetunion, in Bündesrepublik Deutschland. His family consisted of a regular mother and an angry, drunken father who liked to gamble the family`s money away. Eventually, the mother filed for divorce for obvious reasons, leaving the kid to the father. The father neglected the child, leaving video games to do the kid`s parenting for them. The hero of our story would grow up in a toxic environment online, learning nothing but disrespect, disobedience, and 7 words a famous comedian said you couldn`t say on live TV. Eventually, by unknown means, they stumbled upon a website known as "pixelartmaker.com". The kid would adopt the name of "Rainbowfox2011" and continues to terrorize the site to this day.

CREATOR ID: 401102
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: I came up with a stupid, original character arc in just 5 minutes. If you want to see it, check the description.

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