Oh, yeah, I guess the one voice you haven't met is the one based off of my sister. But I'll let Vesin take care of that. (I'm gonna kind mix the two roleplays just because they're gonna separate anyways. So while Chris is interacting with Boarder on the outside, inside Chris's mind is where Fear will be with the voices. Hope you guys don't mind that, you likely won't notice a difference.)

Oh, yeah, I guess the one voice you haven't met is the one based off of my sister. But I'll let Vesin take care of that. (I'm gonna kind mix the two roleplays just because they're gonna separate anyways. So while Chris is interacting with Boarder on the outside, inside Chris's mind is where Fear will be with the voices. Hope you guys don't mind that, you likely won't notice a difference.)

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Description: | Name: Chris Deadman | Age: 19 | Species: Human | LV: 1 | HP: 15 | ATK: 10 | DEF: 10 | Quiet, analytical, not very expressive, confirmed psychopath | Asexual, panromantic | Nothing special, really. But maybe he'll be worth something to someone. | \\Lovely sprite made by the equally lovely Derp!\\

CREATOR ID: 90896a
AGE: 4 years old

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