Rori: guys for what its worth, i've just been having fun being here. It's nice and chill (right now at least) you guys are pretty fun to be online with

Rori: guys for what its worth, i've just been having fun being here. It's nice and chill (right now at least) you guys are pretty fun to be online with

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Description: Rori: Amazind and WONDERFUL person who wears no shirt because he is just that glorious and feels the world needs to see it. Also Aviva can't do tongue twisters like "how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" (EVERYTHING THIS CHARACTER SAYS IS A BIT AND TOGGLE (THE CREATOR) DOESN'T FEEL THE WAY HE DOES MOST OF THE TIME)

CREATOR ID: 005fa5
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: Rori: either the chat died out a while ago or its just stopped cause im here....

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