If you wanna know the most traumatising thing in my life read the description

If you wanna know the most traumatising thing in my life read the description

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Description: So one night while I was laying in my bed there were only 3 people in the house me, my brother and my dad, when my dad goes in the bathroom his shoes get slippery and that night my brother heard a thump at the stairs and I heard him screaming "DADDY!" and I didn't know what was going on so I was like "Oi what happened has he left or something?" and he said "HE FELL DOWN THE STAIRS!" So I went down crying and got some toilet roll to wipe the blood off his face while my brother called my sister who called my brother Sean and Micheal since they were closer and we had to move our dad but they found a way to get in through the front door. After my sister came and her friend Amy came somehow Amy knew how to make him better a bit so me, my brother and my sister went upstairs shaking. After a bit we went to Sean's house. My dad broke his neck so now he is crippled. He is fine now...|* Something's off... - Ink!Sans made by Conant

CREATOR ID: 293042
AGE: 4 years old

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