*Error-Data_USR:T34413.PL has ceased working from a high level of ang3r and ann0yenc3 from a stup1d system his backup data has been moved to a different gallery other than the main one* | This message was only posted cause I'm not sitting in the main gallery anymore thanks to some images actually overloading my Chromebook, to the point it causes the gallery to terminate itself...

*Error-Data_USR:T34413.PL has ceased working from a high level of ang3r and ann0yenc3 from a stup1d system his backup data has been moved to a different gallery other than the main one* | This message was only posted cause I'm not sitting in the main gallery anymore thanks to some images actually overloading my Chromebook, to the point it causes the gallery to terminate itself...

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Description: -Terrie |

CREATOR ID: 63ceb7
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Subject of termination: This god forsaken image porting... It's a horrid idea and NEEDS TO GO... Fucking- terminate the people who have been abusing the hell of it... And really those who have used it more than three times... Prevent anything made from this damn thing to be used as well, as it's just no good and making this site so damn unstable for me...

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator