House blueprint

House blueprint

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Description: The reason for this place is, I originally built this in Minecraft, and would like to keep a blueprint in case I want to duplicate it in other Minecraft worlds. This isn't how it originally looked, because the original world got blown up and I don't remember the exact block placements, but it is very similar. The reason why I have so many colors is because I need to know what is what. RED= bed PINK= door WHITE= bath/shower GREY= TV LIGHT TEAL= bathroom floor GOLD= toilet DARK GREY= black wool carpet TRUE BLUE= blue wool carpet (almost) gray-ish blue= chair TEAL-ish= chest DARK GREEN= grass LIGHT GREEN= counter Yellow green= fridge SKIN TONE-ISH= window YELLOW= fence LIGHT BROWN= desk MEDIUM BROWN= floor DARK BROWN= 1 block lower IF YOU PLAN ON USING THIS BLUEPRINT, PLEASE FOLLOW ME ON XBOX: JSESepticSam ASK IF YOU WANT TO USE IT ON THERE, OR EMAIL ME: If you wish to change ANYTHING, go ahead and change something, I would not care if you redesign the interior, make the house slightly smaller, or add a garage, car, or both. If you want to invite me to your Minecraft world and show me the house you built from my blueprint, I'd be happy to join you and look at what you've done. If you are confused about the alien pixels surrounding the house, those represent numbers. The pixels that are close together but have different amounts of pixels in a group, it's a 2 digit number, like 13. If it's a 1 digit number, you'll see it's just a single group, like 6. That's the amount you have to put for that room. Like if 1 room was 12 x 14, you would do the perimeter of the room and put 12 blocks one way and 13 blocks from the last block of the 12 in another direction. The numbers that are on the left side of the house, left side of the fence don't measure the fence, they measure the rooms on the right side of the fence on the left side of the house. The origin of this house: I was having a weird dream with anime characters, this was the house that the anime characters and I lived in. The next morning when I woke up, I immediately logged into Minecraft, made a superflat world, and remembered the house I had a dream about the night before. That house ever since was a house I've built in all my Minecraft worlds after that, all because that house has some sort of meaning to me, and maybe one day, I can build this house in real life. S*** story, I know, but I want to explain it the best I can without taking much time. If you want to know the story in a bit more detail, just email me or message me on Xbox. I will try my absolute hardest to reply as quickly as I can, since I am working on several things at the moment.

CREATOR ID: 9664c4
VIEWS: 357
AGE: 5 years old

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