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Description: Practicing re-spriting (probably not the official term) which is taking a sprite and changing it. This is inverted!Sans I made a story for them as well Nicknames: blue and yellow Relatives: None Best friend: Other Half Age: N/A Status: Alive Place of birth: N/A Date of birth: 06/25/15XX Place of death: None date of death: None Species: skeleton? Gender: Both (blue side male, yellow side female) Eye color: blue, red, purple; red, blue, green hair color: N/A Height: 5 ft Weight: N/A Appearance: two-faced skeleton with a blue and yellow side with an identical build to classic sans they wear a black and white jacket with a red and blue lining as well as shorts and slippers with the same color pallet personality: Yellow is a kind and fun person, while blue tends to keep to himself. Yellow tends to avoid fighting, while blue is always up for a good fight. Blue never agrees with any plan no matter how good it is, while yellow agrees with any plan no matter how stupid it is, as long as it doesn't involve violence. Blue tends to be very persuasive while yellow tends to be easily manipulated, together they form an unbreakable bond. Abilities: half-and-half blaster: shoots a white beam and a green beam the white beam damages you for 100 damage while the green does the opposite blue and yellow bones: blue bones hurt you for 25 damage, while yellow bones just push you without doing damage full control: one side will completely take control of the body which can be told by the other eye changing color, for example if blue was in control yellow's eye would change completely blue and vice versa summoning: can summon weaker monsters from any AU to fight for it temporary split: Blue and Yellow can split from each other for a small period of time to work together better than ever, using full control abilities to create devastating combos on their enemies Full control abilities: (one side must be using full control for these to activate) Blue full control abilities: Blue blaster: shoots a gaster blaster, doing 250 damage every 5 seconds Blue Bones: sends normal bones doing 100 damage per hit True Blue Blaster: summons a massive blaster which has A long charge up but fires a massive beam bigger than the blaster which destroys anything in its path, the only exception being beings with souls or enough DT to survive and deals 1M damage every 2.5 seconds however it takes a lot of stamina to use Blue Control: can take complete control of someone's soul to make them fight for as long as Blue chooses yellow full control abilities: Yellow blaster: Fires a blaster which uses a green beam to heal you for 250 damage every 5 seconds yellow bones: heal you for 100 health per bone True Yellow Blaster: fires a blaster identical to the True blue blaster, however it heals you for 1M health every second instead of damaging you Origin: created by [REDACTED] to help fight in the multiversal war Blue met Yellow who was created to help heal in the war however when an experiment combining their powers went wrong they fused together at first the fusion was unstable and [REDACTED] thought this was the end of them, but they later became stabilized after "borrowing" a crown from [REDACTED]'s office realizing this [REDACTED] decided to help them learn new powers, so they could still help in the war however one day [REDACTED] Died leaving blue and yellow by themselves until Ink sans found them years later happy to be saved they thanked ink for helping, but before ink could reply ERROR appeared and was doing what he does, destroy "anomalies", however, ink stopped him and made a way for Blue and Yellow to escape, and now they wander the multiverse meeting new people, however, being wary of them blue didn't talk much leaving many to fear him. Later after an encounter that left blue unconscious yellow made the difficult decision to fight someone and realized how wrong it felt which is why he only attacks when necessary and normally sticks to healing

CREATOR ID: 005f6d
AGE: 1 year old
BASED ON: Sans Sprite

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator