… C-C-C-Careful of the Enderman he's Black, he will get angry if you look at him and Attack you, he's black and he'll steal, he'll rob your blocks He cannot swim, cannot swim at all I'm in the deep, deep basement of Mom's house, mining 'til I get to the next Level, I just gotta build something big Bigger than me and I'll be Crafting in the basement all night!

… C-C-C-Careful of the Enderman he's Black, he will get angry if you look at him and Attack you, he's black and he'll steal, he'll rob your blocks He cannot swim, cannot swim at all I'm in the deep, deep basement of Mom's house, mining 'til I get to the next Level, I just gotta build something big Bigger than me and I'll be Crafting in the basement all night!

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Description: Bub. (Your internet asshole.) (Blocking is for the weak.)

CREATOR ID: bea179
VIEWS: 149
AGE: 2 years old

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