A Deadly Disease

A Deadly Disease

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Description: Infected/Mix!Sans, native to the alternate universe "PeaceTale", now resides in the Alphatale AU. Backstory, from the AlphaTale Wiki: !!WALL OF TEXT WARNING!! Infected comes from an AU called PeaceTale. It was a peaceful place with magic and prosperity. Everyone had made it to the surface.Everything is just fine. Sans and Papyrus went to go visit the human and Toriel. Everything was going perfectly fine. But then...everything went MAD. Sans could feel it...everyone seeping, drinking, descending and growing. Faces on other faces! Heat burning his eyes and the feeling of eating glass. But then it stopped? It got cold and colder. The air got thick and his eye's were flooded with the blood of those close to him. He now only feels sick....lost.....alone.....and.... Infected. Then, he fell asleep.A few hours later, he woke up. He saw everything was burning, the sun was blazing with a raging hell fire. It felt as if Sans was in hell, there was no one in sight. Sans fell to the ground and lost all hope with no chance of having peace, Sans gave in to the very infection that ruined himself: MADNESS. Sans had given into despair and madness. What came next can only be known as being truly terrifying. Infected then awoke to an unfamiliar place. He awoke in HorrorTale. He then grabbed an axe from Sans and improved it to his liking. He then found himself with nothing....no brother....no human....and he had run all out of hope. He now only has one thing to do...die alone. But it doesn't have to end this way, why should his story end and many others continue?

CREATOR ID: 70ff08
VIEWS: 146
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: A Deadly Disease

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