Proj.ct 0 the amalgamation

Proj.ct 0 the amalgamation

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Description: He was a fox that had gotten him into an accident where he tried committing suicide and lived he just laid there crying. ON accident a strange mysterious cat saved him by putting bat parts in him saving his life. His memory is a bit fuzzy of the situation.He woke up in sonic's base and asked to join.He got recruited.He found a burn mark that says "Proj.ct 0".0 thought it was his name. Proj.ct found that he could teleport 10 times a day and phase through objects he can only do it for 10 seconds but for 7 seconds.He isn't able to teleport while phasing and he is very slow so he invented shoes that have wheels.For the main purpose of increasing his speed.

CREATOR ID: 32c110
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: Sonic Advance: Sonic Sprite (Re-done!)

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