Lots of people I`d like to say myself, yet I don`t fully feel that way anymore! Yet I peopele I know or seen it this hooded figure, Karren, Parra, Terrie, Chaos Sans, Dark Geno Sans, Rei, Proto, Allan, Boarder, Loli, Midnight, Lenny, Lily, EntryFell, Entry Level, Mai, May, Xavier, Goopi, Derp, Mia, Merra, Foxlynn, Myself [Allern], Jack, Kyle, Karma, Serif, Tieal, Killer Sans, Horror Sans, Dust Sans and Bill

Lots of people I`d like to say myself, yet I don`t fully feel that way anymore! Yet I peopele I know or seen it this hooded figure, Karren, Parra, Terrie, Chaos Sans, Dark Geno Sans, Rei, Proto, Allan, Boarder, Loli, Midnight, Lenny, Lily, EntryFell, Entry Level, Mai, May, Xavier, Goopi, Derp, Mia, Merra, Foxlynn, Myself [Allern], Jack, Kyle, Karma, Serif, Tieal, Killer Sans, Horror Sans, Dust Sans and Bill

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Description: (Justin) Alerrn; Age: 20; Height: 7" 3'; Weight: 40 kg; A normal fox really; He's also Irish; He`s got a sister named Lily | Alerrn ATK- 10 DEF- 15 SPD- 50 | Yes it`s Terrie, fucking what about it huh?

CREATOR ID: 95be89
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: I`m not taking this THAT FAR!... Siblings of two, is fine but a whole family?... Isn`t that a little... Too far?...

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