Listen here, you shit mouthed, snot nosed, three year old. If you don't respect the fact that Xavier made this, you're gonna get fucking sworn out, bullied, and everything else. Now mature already and fucking make your own damn sprite instead of ripping the first damn sprite you see on google and just saying "Mine" a lot, douche fuck....

Listen here, you shit mouthed, snot nosed, three year old. If you don't respect the fact that Xavier made this, you're gonna get fucking sworn out, bullied, and everything else. Now mature already and fucking make your own damn sprite instead of ripping the first damn sprite you see on google and just saying "Mine" a lot, douche fuck....

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Description: P.S. this is Xavier's!

CREATOR ID: 990543
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: yes I know him why you ask

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