It’s me, Saint Nick, and I got somethin’ to tell you, naughty boy! I am the greatest gift-giver, from video games to toys! You existing...well on the bad list, you’re always there, ah crud! Ever known the festive colors, the red represents YOUR BLOOD. What are you gonna do when you blame lag for your short typing? Those dumb bars, on a Youtube Channel was the finding. Reinforced with the rhymes of the Twilight King, we are an unbeatable force. You got so many girls, nah just whores. Look at you, the COAL TRAIN you wanna be ran over with? It has already happened, here (totally non-suspicious line), since I pity you take my unexploding gift ;)

It’s me, Saint Nick, and I got somethin’ to tell you, naughty boy! I am the greatest gift-giver, from video games to toys! You existing...well on the bad list, you’re always there, ah crud! Ever known the festive colors, the red represents YOUR BLOOD. What are you gonna do when you blame lag for your short typing? Those dumb bars, on a Youtube Channel was the finding. Reinforced with the rhymes of the Twilight King, we are an unbeatable force. You got so many girls, nah just whores. Look at you, the COAL TRAIN you wanna be ran over with? It has already happened, here (totally non-suspicious line), since I pity you take my unexploding gift ;)

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CREATOR ID: fee8a8
AGE: 4 years old

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