Worst Broken Nightmare sans

Worst Broken Nightmare sans

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Description: He absorbed shattered dream making dream normal again but now nightmare is even more worst then before he can cause negativity to break your soul apart just like that. He usually just decides to fight positivity itself and Dream, its guardian. He has two floating emotion apples on his left and right. The one on the your right can cause a person who has bitten it to have so much negativity they will gain enough power to take on both error and ink on their own. The one on your left will just break a persons mind and make your mindless soul go berserk and get enough power to fight all of the stars on your own. He has also become the living primal body of negativity itself. His health is 9999999. his attack and defense is 9999999 as well. His nightmare puddle can now expand to cover the whole Au that he is in and his darkness move makes him immortal for the short duration of how long the darkness stays. he can summon 24 spinning tentacles in one place. He is not just universal now he is also now multiversal. And just in case your wondering his LV is 9999999999.

CREATOR ID: 611948
VIEWS: 149
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: nightmare sans

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AI Painting Generator