Volcano Base Plan for Terraria

Volcano Base Plan for Terraria

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Description: The black pixels are normal blocks, the orange pixels are lavafall walls, the dark grey pixels are various obsidian furniture items (the thin horizontal lines are platforms, the vertical lines next to the platforms in the middle are doors, the "m" shaped ones are a table and 2 chairs, and the ones in the room at the bottom left are a dresser, couch and a bed,) the yellow pixels are chests, the yellowish orange pixels are torches and candles, the green pixels is where certain workstations go, the blue pixels are for decorative items, the light grey pixels are for the walls, and the pink lines are to represent where the ground is around the volcano.

CREATOR ID: 19116b
VIEWS: 232
AGE: 4 years old

AI Pixel Art Generator
AI Painting Generator