Most of these horror stories, make the main character a fucking dumbass as well... Just like in horror movies, you just can`t help yourself, but say "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING [dumb thing they are doing] WHEN YOU COULD BE DOING [the fucking obvious thing to end this shit fast due to the amount of bullshit you`re watching]"... Really what is horror anymore other than cheap jump scares and unoriginal and over-used tropes?...

Most of these horror stories, make the main character a fucking dumbass as well... Just like in horror movies, you just can`t help yourself, but say "WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING [dumb thing they are doing] WHEN YOU COULD BE DOING [the fucking obvious thing to end this shit fast due to the amount of bullshit you`re watching]"... Really what is horror anymore other than cheap jump scares and unoriginal and over-used tropes?...

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Description: -Terrie [Mental state: To tears] | Allern... The Irish fox...

CREATOR ID: 95be89
AGE: 4 years old
BASED ON: "Save...

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