So uh- I may or may not get my limbs ripped off next week. [lss]

So uh- I may or may not get my limbs ripped off next week. [lss]

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Description: Item #: SCP-8912 Object Class: Safe - Special Containment Procedures - SCP-8912 is allowed to freely roam the facility as it wishes to, 24/7/365. If visited by personnel, they may talk to it in a calming way. Many personnel are afraid of going into the room, as they do not know what will happen to them. - Description - SCP-8912 appears to be a short, blue hedgehog weighing about 3 ft tall. He is resembled to the famous video game character, "Sonic the Hedgehog" but with black beady eyes and no back spines. It's containment consists of a blue room with a gray room with what seems to be a big speaker on both sides. The subject's name appears to be, "Sunky", which is obviously a reference to, "Sonic". If interacted with sometimes, SCP-8912 will randomly spawn a carton of milk and whatever cereal it wishes to. From past addendums, Sunky is said to cheer people up, similar to the nature of SCP-999. Many SCP despise 8912 mostly because of it's cheering aura which most of them find disgusting, especially Dr. □□□□□□. Along with that, a LOT of D-Class try to break into the holding area and attempt to attack 8912, mostly failing. - 8912-A - 8912-A appears to be an exact, 1-1 copy of Sunky, but with a slight difference, that being the red beady eyes. If interacted with, both guards are force fed cereal or into a trance where they must dance. - Addendums - [Addendum 1] 049: I'll never forget the joy that little blue creature gave me, and it seemed to be a kind break from my usual business. Dr. □□□□□□: Well, did you try to "cure" it, perhaps? 049: Me? Cure the little beauty? No, of course not.

CREATOR ID: 7d7f65
AGE: 2 years old

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