I am gonna say it clearly that I forget CC sometimes and I mostly just recognize CC's by people that I communicate with a lot or just watch a lot.. and well for some reason I just randomly forgot yours.. I don't know why, maybe stress.. because I watch have watched you do stuff and sell your sprites and just talk..

I am gonna say it clearly that I forget CC sometimes and I mostly just recognize CC's by people that I communicate with a lot or just watch a lot.. and well for some reason I just randomly forgot yours.. I don't know why, maybe stress.. because I watch have watched you do stuff and sell your sprites and just talk..

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Description: [ Credit to Grim for the sprite ]

CREATOR ID: 77b851
AGE: 3 years old
BASED ON: ( Quick question first Warrior, do you want me to draw it normally standing or in the pose its at? )

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